마라라고・マ- ア ラゴ
마라라고・マ- ア ラゴ
National Historic Landmark in Palm Beach, Florida. it has been owned by former U.S. president Donald Trump, who resides on the premises.
트럼프 大統領(대통령) 個人所有(개인소유)로 美國(미국) 플로리다州 팜비치에 位置(위치)한 高級休養施設(고급휴양시설)이자 트럼프 大統領(대통령)의「겨울 白堊館(백악관)」으로 불리는 마라라고 리조트
フロリダ州パ-ムビ-チにあるドナルド トランプの別荘。トランプ大統領の「冬のホワイトハウス」と呼ばれる高級休養施設。
▼The BORDER911 Gala
The BORDER911 Gala took place on April 4, 2024, at the Mar-a-Lago Club. Former President Donald Trump attended, accompanied by a distinguished group of national security and border security experts.
보더 나인 일레븐 게이라는 2024年4月4日 말라라고 클럽에서 開催(개최)되었다. 도널드 트럼프 전 大統領(대통령)도 國家(국가)와 國境安保(국경안보)의 有名(유명)한 專門家(전문가)들과 함께 參席(참석)했다.
BORDER911 Gala(ボーダー ナインイレブン ゲイラ)は、2024年4月4日にMar-a-Lago Club(マララゴ クラブ)で開催された。ドナルド トランプ元大統領も国家と国境安全保障の著名な専門家らを伴って出席した。
The BORDER911 team, led by Tom Homan, is comprised of Sara Carter, Jason Jones, Derek Maltz, Mark Morgan, Victor Avila, and Rodney Scott, who shared their expertise, educated attendees, and rallied support for securing the nation’s borders.
トム ホーマンが率いる BORDER911(ボーダー=国境ナインイレブン)ティ-ムは、専門知識を共有し、参加者を教育し、国境を守るための支援を結集した。
Notable figures such as Sebastian Gorka, Vivek Ramaswamy and others were in attendance. The event provided a crucial opportunity to delve into challenges and solutions concerning national security, public safety, human trafficking, and more.
セバスチャン ゴルカ、ヴィヴェク ラマスワミなどが参席したこのイベントは、国家安全保障、公共の安全、人身売買などに関する課題と解決策を掘り下げる重要な機会を提供した。
이 行事(행사)는 國家安保(국가안보), 公共安全(공공안전),人身賣買(인신매매) 등에 관한 課題(과제)와 解決策(해결책)을 摸索(모색)하는 重要(중요)한 機會(기회)를 提供(제공)했다.
Kaams' gun was put up for charity auction.
칼엄즈의 銃(총)이 慈善競賣(자선경매)에 出品(출품)되었다.